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Get rid of white patches and get successful treatment of white patch?

“For years, I had been referred back and forth across several dermatologists and specialists for a skin problem they eventually diagnosed as vitiligo, a whitening of the skin in several patches throughout my body. These patches had gotten worse over a recent period of stress and I wanted to try something natural that would help my symptoms but also help me feel less stressed. I was given herbalist doctor lrene herbs which dramatically reduced the appearance of the white patches within 42 weeks and eventually returned the skin pigmentation to those areas! My stress levels are now much more manageable . Thanks for all your help.”

My five year old son was suffering from vitiligo for two years

My five year old son was suffering from vitiligo for two years. I was trying treatment from many places. Initial treatment went wrong due not identifying the problem. I have tried Ayurveda . Homeopathy and Allopathy. The previous Allopathic treatment was tried for six months. The treatment was very cumbersome. I bought UV lights worth thousands. More than the money the procedure made, my son got a complex of the white patch. His affected portion and nearby areas become black due to UV exposure. This is when I chanced upon Dr Irene’s website. I was unsure but I gave it a shot. Once I met the Doctor, I was confident that I had come to the correct place. He took an hour to explain to us in detail as to what to do and what not. His in-depth analysis after the detailed tests confirmed his treatment which had told us. The external application of medicines were substituted by deficiency control methods. My son has shown phenomenal improvement. The marks are almost gone. His proactive approach, regular call from his clinic is another thing that I appreciate. It gives a sense of involvement and attachment. He’s like God’s Angel to us. Thanks doctor.